IT Solutions for Churches    Touch toolbar

Touch Interface

The Touch Interface adds a moveable floating toolbar containing the playlist and commonly used button controls. The controls are larger than the standard ones simplifying touch control. The controls are enabled from the Preferences/Advanced dialog and only show during display mode. They are located initially over the tabbed windows for song selection etc but can be moved as desired. The controls supplement the standard controls and can be used inter-changeably; slides can be changed in the normal way by clicking on or touching one of the preview panes.

Touch Button Controls

The touch interface uses these buttons to control the display depending on the material being shown

Hides touch interface
Stops song display on projector
Opens dialog to display alerts on projector screen
Blanks projected display
Toggles projected display to background
Restores projected display after blanking or setting to background
Starts audio, video or YouTube player
Stops audio, video or YouTube player
Shows and hides audio volume and EQ dialog during song audio backgrounds
Pauses audio, video or YouTube player
Resumes audio, video or YouTube player
Go to previous PowerPoint slide
Go to next PowerPoint slide
Go to previous PowerPoint animation
Go to next PowerPoint animation