IT Solutions for Churches    Multimedia

Multimedia Presentations

Shows multimedia presentations and allows them to be used as backgrounds for songs, bible verses.

Songview can display multimedia clips from a file as well as DVD and a capture source such as a video camera. The multimedia can be used as a background to songs etc; this option requires a 32 bit video capability. When used as a background the resolution of the video input determines the resolution of the overlying text. For best results use video input with a resolution at least as good as the projector. Text over multimedia cannot be used with scrolling displays other than alert texts.

Songview can also play audio CD tracks as background during presentations.

To use multimedia select the 'Multimedia' tab and load the required media.

FileSelects multimedia file. The allowed file types are:
Video Files: *.mpg; *.asf; *.mkv; *.m2ts; *.flv; *.wmv; *.mov; *.avi; *.mp4; *.m4v; *.3gp; *.gif
Audio Files: *.wav; *.mp3; *.au; *.aiff; *.midi
Capture Input can be captured from a connected devices e.g. video camera or TV capture. If more than one device is present, select the required one from the list, otherwise the connected device will be used
DVD Select DVD drive as the input source, if more than one drive is present choose the required one from the list presented.
CD Select CD drive as the input source, if more than one drive is present choose the required one from the list presented.

After the multimedia source has been selected further setup and preview can be carried out

Preview/SetupAllows the multimedia to be previewed and tracks and ranges selected for use depending on the source.
FilesSetup Range Use to start setting up start and stop for video clip. This does not need to be used if the whole clip is to be shown. The option will not be available if the video clip does not allow positioning. Move slider to set start and stop positions.
Clear RangeClears a set range
Set StartUse to set start after positioning slider.
Set StopUse to set stop after positioning slider.
Previous FrameMove back one frame.
Next FrameMove forward one frame.
DoneClick when range has been set.
CaptureNo settingsUse 'Stop Capture' button to stop video capture; this must be selected before any other multimedia can be previewed.
DVDUse 'Track' button to track to choose track for addition to playlist
CDUse 'Track' button to track to choose track for addition to playlist
ControlsThe controls underneath the video preview are to control the preview window. The controls on the Multimedia tab are to control the projected display. On-screen menus can be used in both windows with DVDs
Start Starts multimedia
Stop Stops multimedia
Pause Pauses and restarts multimedia
Next Chapter/Track Goto next DVD chapter or CD track
Previous Chapter/Track Goto previous DVD chapter or CD track
TrackShow DVD chapter list or CD track list
DVD Menu Goto DVD menu
Audio Show audio volume and EQ controls
Other OptionsMute PreviewMutes audio output during preview mode
Fit to window one sideStretches video to fit output window
Fit to window both sidesZooms video to fit output window, content on largest side may be lost
ZoomZooms video in or out to fit screen.
Loop CDAudio CD will loop continuously
Loop current trackCurrent CD audio track will loop continuously
LoopVideo file clip will loop continuously
Autostart videosVideo file clip will start automatically
Use media as backgroundUse current media as background to songs and bible verses. When this option is checked the multimedia settings will be added to the playlist settings as songs and bible verses are added to the playlist.
This can also be done from the paylist item right click menu. This allows more flexibility and the use of audio or video backgrounds for songs
Force media backgroundAlways use media as background to songs and bible verses and regardless of playlist settings
Add to PlaylistAdds the currently set multimedia with settings to the playlist. Video files can also be added by dragging to the Playlist or with the right click context menu.