IT Solutions for Churches    Internet

Internet Presentations

Shows Internet presentations and live web browsing.

To use the Internet select the 'Internet' tab; the tab is not selectable if there is no Internet access or if access is disabled in the Preference advanced tab.

Browse to the web page you wish to display, click the 'Display Preview URL on Projector' button and select the Show toolbar button to display the page on the projector. To change the page either navigate to it on the display using the panel at the left or navigate in the preview window and click the 'Display Preview URL on Projector' button on the Internet tab.

To add the web page in the preview window to the Playlist click the 'URL to Playlist' button on the preview controls underneath the preview browser window.

The controls available are:

Projected Internet Display - on Internet tab

Display Preview URL on ProjectorNavigates display window to url displayed in preview window.
Display Navigation buttons
BackSend display browser to previous page
ForwardSend display browser to next page
HomeSend display browser to default (home) page
StopStop loading page on display browser
RefreshRefresh page on display browser
Go ToSend display browser to this URL on pressing return

Internet Preview Controls

Preview Navigation buttons
BackSend preview browser to previous page
ForwardSend preview browser to next page
HomeSend preview browser to default (home) page
StopStop loading page on preview browser
RefreshRefresh page on preview browser
Go ToSend preview browser to this URL on pressing return
URL to PlaylistAdds URL in preview window to Playlist

YouTube video presentations

Use the YouTube button to show the video fullscreen with auto-start.

There are two options: either show the video fullscreen using the web browser or via the built-in YouTube player; this has the advantage of being able to control the video from the Internet tab.

Note: This option requires that the application songview_webio.exe has access through the Windows Firewall. You will be asked to set this the first time Songview is started. If you have disallowed it, you can change the Firewall settings manually. YouTube does not allow some videos to be shown with third party players, in this case display the video via the web browser.

Note: The YouTube player will not work unless a sound card with sound device (headphones or line out) is connected.

The controls available are:

Projected Internet Display - on Internet tab

YouTube via web browser
Display video on ProjectorNavigates display window to YouTube url displayed in preview window and displays fullscreen using web browser
Projected YouTube player
Display video on projector using playerNavigates display window to YouTube url displayed in preview window and displays fullscreen using YouTube player at current starting position
YouTube player control buttons
StartStart/restart video clip on YouTube player
StopStop video clip on YouTube player
PausePause/resume video clip on YouTube player

Internet Preview Controls

YouTubeDisplay YouTube home page on preview browser
Download YouTube video and add to PlaylistDownload clip as a video file and add it to the Playlist; videos are stored in your Video folder.
YouTube Player
PreviewPreview current YouTube clip in window, allows setting of starting position if needed
Set StartSets starting position of clip to current preview position
Reset StartResets starting position to start of clip
URL to PlaylistAdds YouTube URL in preview window to Playlist - displays video fullscreen using YouTube player at currently set starting position

Use the Preference advanced tab to set the 'Home' page.