IT Solutions for Churches    Song background media

Playlist item Media Background Dialog

Multimedia backgrounds can be added to songs in the playlist or the background type, colour, picture or video loop set. Accessed by a right click on a playlist item; the changes apply only to this playlist item.
Groups of items can be changed when a separator is used. Use the right click menu of the separator; the new background will apply to all the song/ bible items in the group. .

Background type Choose from audio file, video file, solid background, gradient background, picture or video loop.
Select media file... Select audio file for song background on playlist item.
OK Closes dialog and completes changes to playlist item multimedia
Cancel Closes dialog without making changes
Loop media Loop media file during display
Enable sound Use sound during display, default for audio files
Clear Clears media associated with play list item

Select media file... Select video file for song background on playlist item.
OK Closes dialog and completes changes to playlist item multimedia
Cancel Closes dialog without making changes
Loop media Loop media file during display
Enable sound Use sound during display, default for audio files
Clear Clears media associated with play list item

Colour Select background colour.
OK Closes dialog and completes changes to playlist item
Cancel Closes dialog without making changes
Clear Clears background associated with play list item

Colour Select background colour.
Colour 2 Select second background colour.
Gradient Style Select gradient style.
OK Closes dialog and completes changes to playlist item
Cancel Closes dialog without making changes
Clear Clears background associated with play list item

SelectorChoose background picture
OK Closes dialog and completes changes to playlist item
Cancel Closes dialog without making changes
Clear Clears background associated with play list item

Loop playback rateChoose playback rate
SelectorChoose background video loop
OK Closes dialog and completes changes to playlist item
Cancel Closes dialog without making changes
Clear Clears background associated with play list item