IT Solutions for Churches Playlist |
The Playlist is the control centre for Songview during live displays. Selecting an item will set Songview to display it. When moving between songs and bible texts the desired slide must be selected from the preview screen to display it. Other items display immediately.
What do you want to do?
Add items to the Playlist
Save a Playlist
Load a Playlist
Email a Playlist
Remove items
Move items
Use groupings
Use timers
Add a background
Use large Playlist during display
Add items to the Playlist
- Worship songs - Double click a song title or drag it to the Playlist or right-click on an item found in the search list
- Bible texts - Choose the Bible tab and find the scripture reference with the search. Click 'To Playlst' on the Bible tab
- Picture slide show - drag the folder with the pictures into the Playlist
- Slideshow Presentations - Select the Slideshow tab and drag the title to the Playlist
- PowerPoint presentation - drag the PowerPoint file into the Playlist
- Multimedia - drag the video file into the Playlist
- YouTube video - Select the Internet tab, click the 'YouTube' button, find the video, click 'URL to Playlist' in the YouTube player section
- Web page - Select the Internet tab, find the page on the preview, click 'URL to Playlist'
Use the links for more information
Save a Playlist
Playlists can be saved as a file with an .ohl extension or saved in either of two registry slots.
- Click Save.. above the Playlist to save as a Playlist file
- Click the down symbol at the right of the Save... button to use one of the registry slots.
Load a Playlist
Playlists can be loaded from a file with an .ohl extension or from either of two registry slots.
- Click Open.. above the Playlist to load from a Playlist file
- Click the down symbol at the right of the Open... button to load from one of the registry slots.
Email a Playlist
The song words from Playlists can be emailed as text.
- Add the email address(es) using the Email Playlist section of the Advanced Preferences tab
- Use the Tools / Email Playlist menu item to send the email.
Remove items
- To remove all items from the Playlist use the Clear button above the Playlist
- To remove one item right click the item and select Delete from the context menu.
Move items
Drag the item to the required position
Use groupings
Groupings are used to to keep similar items together e.g. Worship sets or Sermon presentations. The content can be hidden if required.
- To add a grouping right click the top item for the grouping and select Insert Grouping... from the context menu. The grouping will apply to all the items below until the next group.
- Clicking the group heading will close and open the group.
- The group header can be moved by dragging it to a new location - the group content is changed to the items below the heading.
- To delete a group header right click the header and select Delete Grouping from the context menu
- To add a background to all the items in a group, right click the Playlist item and choose Background Media. Select the background type and settings.
Use timers
The Playlist timer will change the displayed item to the next item on the Playlist after a predetermined time delay.
- To set the timer use the right click context menu on the required item and select Display Time...
- Automatic changing will occur until an item with a zero change time is encountered.
Add a background
The Playlist timer will change the displayed item to the next item on the Playlist after a predetermined time delay.
- To add a background to a song or bible passage, right click the Playlist item and choose Background Media. Select the background type and settings.
Use large Playlist during display
Use the Items / Playlist switch at the bottom left of the application to switch between the normal setup view with the category tabs and a small Playlist to a larger Playlist for presentation that replaces the tabs.