IT Solutions for Churches    Songs Chords

Song Chords

Chords can be added to the songs and displayed on a stage monitor or on the main output window or both. The use of a stage monitor with a display that is independent of the main display requires a computer with three graphics outputs. The desktop should be extended to the third monitor in a similar way to setting up the projector output.

The use of chords is enabled using the Chords tab of the Preferences Dialog. Chords are added to the song in the song edit window using the Add Chord dialog.

Songview has a comprehensive selection of chords and chord fragments so that the majority of chords required can be built.

The following chord components are available as standard

  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G
  • #, b
  • /, 2, 5, 6, 7
  • m, Maj7, m7
  • add2, add9, add11
  • dim, sus2, sus4
    Chords are composed using one of the letters A to G followed by up to 5 additional components. If a chord cannot be built using these components then up to 8 additional components can be specified.

    Chord Preferences Dialog

    Use this dialog to setup the use and appearance of chords and to add customised chords to the standard chords included with the application.

    Check Use chords to enable chords in song file

    The chord font, colour and background colour can be changed using the buttons in the Appearance section of the dialog.
    A transparent background will be used unless Show background is checked.

    Up to 8 customised chords can be added to the song file.
    To add a chord type it in the New Chord field and Click Add.
    Select chord in list and click Edit to edit it, song usage is maintained.
    Click Delete to delete selected chord.
    Clear All deletes all chords.
    Deleting a chord will remove all usages in the song file.

    Chords will be shown on a third monitor (or stage monitor) if available otherwise on the main display.

    Check Show on main output to show on main display where a third monitor is connected.

    Use the Assign Monitors dialog accessible from the Preferences Monitor Tab to show on the control PC display, a second monitor/projector is required for the main output.

    Check Redirect Keys to Playlist on the Preferences Advanced Tab to progress through the slides and songs in the Playlist using keystrokes or a pedal.

    Adding chords to songs

    When chords are enabled an additional button appears in the song edit tools and the spacing between the lines in the song edit window is increased to allow for the display of chords.
    Selecting the Chords button opens the Add Chords dialog.

    The dialog displays buttons for all the available chord fragments including any customised chords.

    Chords are composed by clicking on a chord or chord fragment button.
    The new chord is composed in the New Chord area.

    The built chord is added at the current cursor position by clicking Add Chord

    Cleardeletes the built chord in the New Chord area.
    Delete Chorddeletes the chord at the current cursor position.
    Clear Chordsdeletes all chords in the current song.
    Show chords on previewdisplays the chords on the song preview windows during editing.

    Chord transposition can be done from the toolbar. When chords are enable the button will be visible. Clicking it shows the Transposition buttons and . A single click will transpose the chords by half a tone e.g. Eb to E. Transpositions affect all slides in a song. The main song file is unaffected unless saved. The transpositions are stored with the Playlist.

    Where a third monitor is used for the stage monitor, there are further options for the appearance on the Preferences Monitor dialog

    Show backgroundsdisplays background pictures on stage monitor
    Show creditsdisplays credits on stage monitor