IT Solutions for Churches    Bible text

Bible Texts

Select and display bible verses.

Choose the bible version required and book. If parallel bibles are required, check the 'Parallel' box and choose the second bible version. Then select the starting and ending chapter and verses; they can also be located using the search.

If the text is to be scrolled on a single slide check scroll and click on Preview. The preview window will display the first few verses. The entire passage will be scrolled in the output window when Show is selected.

Additional bibles can be downloaded using the Tools/Additional Bibles menu. Alternatively, they can be downloaded from the Songview download page and then installed.

To display the text as a series of slides, first choose the number of verses required per slide, make sure Scroll is not checked and select Preview. The slides will be shown in the preview window and can be displayed by selecting Show and the verses changed by clicking on the slide.

In either case the font size, colours effects and background can be changed by editing the Bible Theme with the Theme Manager. The passage can be added to the playlist using the Playlist button. The font face and default size is set using the Preferences/Scripture dialog.

The passage can be copied to the clipboard using the Copy button beside the verse selector.