IT Solutions for Churches Preferences |
Preferences Dialog
Display and AppearanceSong
Song Chords and Slide Labels
Any new settings are saved by switching tabs or closing the dialog
Sections can be opened and closed by clicking the section labels.
Display and Appearance
Choose the required language from the list.
The use of this feature requires a language dll file that is available for some languages in the bible download from the Songview website. (They must be downloaded and installed separately from the inbuilt bible version dialog download.)
The dialog box and tab fonts can be changed from the Windows default if the language is not supported. This setting is on the Advanced tab Display and Appearance section
The changes will not be effective until Songview is restarted.
Songview has four built in themes
- Light
- Mid Light
- Mid Dark
- Dark
Selecting 'Custom' sets the customisable colours to the current theme and displays the theme colour patches. You can use the Reset Custom Colours To button to set the colours to Windows default or a built in theme. Clicking the colour patches allows customised setting of individual colours.
A theme change requires Songview to be restarted; the setting including any customised colours is retained.
Playlist font size | The width and height of the Playlist are adjusted accordingly |
Selected slide frame colour | Sets the colour of the frame surrounding a slide preview when selected for display. The slide preview will also show a green triangular marker in the top left hand corner. |
CCL Licence
Enter licence number in text field and change font if required; this affects both the licence number and song credits.
Song Select
Display in new window | Opens new browser window for Song Select imports |
Use default URL | Uses default Song Select URL, uncheck to customise the URL |
Choose the credits display position and the first or last slide options; leaving these unchecked displays the credits on every slide.
Song Appearance
These settings are the default for all songs and slides in the song library and are applied immediately. Font face and colour, background colour and slide margins can be set for individual songs and slides during editing.
Song theme | Select predefined theme from drop-down |
Edit | Opens Theme Manager to edit existing theme or create a new one; check the Apply theme to all songs box if required. |
Hide Song Tree | Hides the Numbers tab |
Show titles page | Adds a front page for each song with its title |
Font | Select the font for the titles page |
Centre text horizontal | Centres title horizontally on titles page |
Centre text vertical | Centres title vertically on titles page |
Show title with 1st verse | Displays title on first slide of each song |
Font | Select the font for the song title |
Fades can be used during slide and song changes; 32 bit graphics capabilities are required.
Words | Fade words in and out depending on fade mode |
Songs only | Fades words between song changes |
Slides and songs | Fades words during song and slide changes |
Backgrounds | Fade backgrounds between songs |
Dissolving fades | Song or slide fades out as the new one fades in |
Fade rate Fast | Rapid fades, about half a second |
Fade rate Medium | Fade time about one second |
Fade rate Slow | Two seconds fade time |
Fade rate Very Slow | Five seconds fade time |
Use song colour scheme | Uses same scheme as slide |
Text Colour | Choose text colour |
Background colour | Choose background colour |
Use song font | Uses same font as slide |
Font | Choose font |
Fast Refresh | Generates slide preview directly speeding up refresh time while typing |
Use spell checking | Enables spell checker |
Choose language | Choose language from list |
Dictionary files are located in the Dictionaries directory; UK and US English dictionaries are provided, some additional dictionaries are included in Bible downloads from the Songview website. Others are obtainable from Both .aff and .dic files are required.
Song Tags
Add Tags
Type the new tag name in the New Tag field, the maximum number of characters is 15 and Click Add.
The maximum number of tags allowed is 24.
Edit Tags
Select tag in list and click Edit to edit it, song associations are maintained.
Click Delete to delete selected tag.
Clear All delete all tags.
Deleting a tag will remove all references to it in the song file.
Song Chords and Slide Labels
Dialog to setup use and appearance of chords and to add customised chords to the standard chords included with the application.
Use chords | Enables chords in song library. Chords will be shown on a third monitor (stage monitor) if available otherwise on the main display. |
Show on main output | Show on main display where a third monitor is connected. |
The monitor assignment can be changed on the Monitor Tab to use the control PC display as the stage monitor, a second monitor/projector is required for the main output.
Check Redirect Keys to Playlist on the Advanced tab Display and Appearance section to progress through the slides and songs in the Playlist using keystrokes or a pedal.
The chord font, colour and background colour can be changed using the buttons. A transparent background will be used unless Show background is checked.
Custom Chord List
Up to 8 customised chords can be added to the song file.
To add a chord type it in the New Chord field and Click Add.
Select a chord in the list and click Edit to edit it, song usage is maintained.
Click Delete to delete selected chord.
Clear All deletes all chords.
Deleting a chord will remove all usages in the song file.
Slide Labels
Songview has eight predefined slide labels and a further eight custom labels can be added. If labels are enabled they show as a coloured border and title around the slide preview window.
Edit | Allows editing of the text of a selected custom label |
Delete | Deletes the selected custom label |
Clear All | Clears All custom labels |
Add | Adds a new custom label using the supplied text; up to 15 characters allowed. |
Colour | Change the background colour for the selected label |
Text Colour | Change the text colour for the selected label |
Reset | Reset the colours of the selected label to default |
Dialog for setting the appearance of bible texts.
Default bible | Select the default bible |
Default verses per slide | Select the number of verses shown on each slide |
Bible theme | Select a pre-defined theme for the bible text |
Edit | Edit the selected theme or create a new one |
Credits font | Select a font for the bible credits |
Dialog for setting default font, backgrounds and text positioning for editable presentations.
Inherit from song defaults | Use default settings from the Song tab |
Text box
Font | Select font |
Text colour | Select text colour |
Background colour | Select background colour for textbox |
Centre text horizontal | Centres text horizontally in textbox |
Centre text vertical | Centres text vertically in textbox |
Transparent | Use text boxes with transparent backgrounds |
Text Margins | Enter value in pixels in left, right and top fields |
Background colour | Select background colour for slide |
All default settings can be over-ridden by editing individual slides and textboxes.
The changes only affect new slides and textboxes.
Use for setting up Alert preferences
Font | Select alert text font |
Text colour | Select text colour |
Background colour | Select background colour |
Transparent | Toggles background to transparent |
Display Mode Normal | Alert is displayed for required time at selected screen position |
Display Mode Scroll | Alert text is scrolled across screen at selected speed for number of times chosen. |
Display Mode Flash | Alert is displayed and flashed on and off for required time at selected screen position |
Number of passes | Number of passes for scrolling alerts before cancelling |
Display Time sec | Display time in seconds for normal and flashing alerts |
Scroll time sec | Time to scroll across screen in seconds for scrolling alerts |
Screen position | Click on button to select position on screen for alert text display |
Identify screen | Shows current screen names and assignments |
Select monitor | Select monitor to change name or link |
Link | Opens the Link Screens dialog to extend or duplicate the screens or to swap their positions. |
Rename monitor | Sets a local name for monitor - this does not affect the Windows system name. |
Assign Monitors | Opens the Assign Monitors dialog to set the function of each monitor |
Windows Display Settings | Opens the Windows Display Settings Dialog |
Reset monitor information | Used to reset the registry monitor information if the Songview display settings do not work correctly. |
Single monitor aspect ratio | Songview sets the slide aspect ration to match the display screen or the PC monitor where no other screen is connected. Use to override this default ensuring correct slide formatting when editing with a computer with a single monitor. |
Use NDI for projector output | The projected display will also be sent to the Songview - Output NDI channel. |
Stage monitor
Customise | Allows setting of custom font and background colours and font size, otherwise default colours and font size are used. |
Show backgrounds | Displays background pictures on stage monitor |
Show credits | Displays credits on stage monitor |
None | Hides clock |
Small | Shows time on stage monitor as a small display at the top left of the screen replacing the credits line. |
Medium | Shows time on stage monitor as a medium display at the top left of the screen replacing the credits line. |
Large | Shows time on stage monitor as a large display at the top left of the screen replacing the credits line. |
Full screen | Full screen displays the time at fill screen width replacing the normal output. |
Display and Appearance
Font for tab controls | Use the default Windows font or select desired font face. This can be useful for non-Latin scripts. |
Redirect keys to Playlist | When checked the Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End keystrokes are redirected to the Playlist during display mode. The arrow keys will also progress to the next or previous Playlist item on progressing from the last slide of a song or back from the first slide of a song. This allows keyboard control of the playlist item being displayed. |
Use touch interface | Enables touch interface during display mode |
Tabs setup | Click on one of the tab colour patches to change the colour of the tab. Use the check box to set the default tab selection of start up. Reset tab colours resets to the default colours. |
Song Backgrounds
Use Backgrounds | Turn off to prevent use of backgrounds |
Clear Background Pictures | Remove all background picture associations with songs. This does not delete the background files. |
Backgrounds Location | Sets a new default background folder location. The normal default location is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Songview\Backgrounds. |
Start with last file used | Starts application with last opened song library |
Save file on exit | Saves any changes to the song library on exiting the program |
Disable Internet Access | Check to prevent internet access, access checking and browser loading on starting Songview |
Default URL | Sets the default URL (Home page) for the browser on startup |
Playlist emails
Songview will send an email with all the song words from the current playlist to the email accounts in the table. This is done from the Tools menu.
The Name and Email fields are used to add emails to the list. Highlight the name in the left column to edit or delete an entry.
Background Alpha Channel Colour
Choose the background colour for the slides - this must be the same as the colour set for transparency on the video stream.
Use NDI for streaming output
The projected display will be as normal and the streaming output sent to the Songview - Streaming NDI channel.
Use NDI for projector output
The projected display will be as normal and will also be sent to the Songview - Output NDI channel.
Bible / Song setup.
Choose the setup required - both should be completed.
Margins | Enter value in pixels in left, right and top fields; 10 to 50 pixels is usually satisfactory. Alternatively use the default settings |
Centre text horizontal | Centres text horizontally on frame |
Centre text vertical | Centres text vertically on frame |
Fit words to slides | Adjusts text size so that words do not overflow frame |
Colour | Choose main text colour |
Text colour gradient | Use a colour gradient for the font - top to bottom |
Colour 2 | Second colour used for the bottom of the font |
Font | Select font type, size and style |
Text outline | Use a text outline border |
Colour | Outline colour |
Size | Outline thickness |
Outline glow effect | Applies a translucent glow effect to the outline |
Text shadow | Applies a shadow to the font |
Colour | Shadow colour |
Size | Shadow size |
Shadow style | Choose shadow style: Normal, diffuse, dropped or extruded. |
Transparent shadow | Makes the shadow translucent |
Line spacing | Set the line spacing - 85 to 200% of normal |
Word spacing | Set the word spacing - 85 to 200% of normal |
Lines per slide (on Song setup) | Sets the number of lines of the song or of the bible verses to show in the frame. Song lines must be terminated by a return. |
Verses per slide (on Bible setup) | Sets the number of bible verses per slide; verses may be split across frames if the number of lines per frame is exceeded. Song lines must be terminated by a return. |
Reset to default position | Sets the sizing frame to the default slide margins |
Sizing Frame | Adjust the frame to the required size with the mouse and drag it to the required position within the slide. |