IT Solutions for Churches    Streaming

Streaming mode

When using Songview to provide the song or bible text for streaming the text must fit in the space allocated on the streaming output and have the correct background colour to be transparent on the video stream.

This can be inconvenient as it requires dividing the song verses into several slides, making sure the verse positioning is correct and using the correct background colour. This is especially so when Songview is also used for normal projection.

The streaming mode does this automatically using a predefined setup without having to modify your song library or settings.

First go to Preferences /Streaming to set the required song and bible configuration

If 'Use NDI for streaming output' is checked the projected display will be as normal and the streaming output sent to the Songview - Streaming NDI channel.

If 'Use NDI for projector output' is checked the projected display will be as normal and will also be sent to the Songview - Output NDI channel.

Once this is setup select Streaming mode from the View menu or use F10. These commands toggle the streaming mode on and off.

Other modes e.g Multimedia etc are unaffected.

The preview windows show the slide text in a large font without any positioning or formatting. The orange markers indicate the first lines in the original slide

Steaming mode

Normal mode