IT Solutions for Churches    Slideshows


Slideshows can be created and displayed using Songview. Two types of slideshow are available: editable where text and pictures can be added over the slide background; Folder?PDF where all the slides in a folder or PDF file are displayed.

To create a new presentation select the Slideshow Tab, click on New Slideshow and follow the instructions below for the type of slideshow required.

Once the slideshow has been finished click the OK button to save it.

To edit a show, select the show from the quick list and use the Edit Slideshow button.

All slideshows are saved on closing Songview and are automatically retrieved when Songview is restarted. Individual slideshows can be saved to disc and reloaded using the Save and Load buttons.

Slideshows can be added to the Playlist either by dragging from the list of slideshows or using the right click menu. This menu can also be used to display the slideshow in the preview windows and to rename or delete the slideshow. Slideshows are displayed in the same manner as worship songs.

Folder and PDF Slideshows

Use the 'Folder/PDF' button and then the Find Folder or PDF button to navigate to the slides folder or PDF file; the folder name or pdf file name is used for the slideshow title and can be changed if desired. If previews are not required uncheck 'Use previews'; this will show a filmstrip at the bottom of the screen allowing selection of slides for display as well as rotation via a right click menu. Slides are automatically rotated on loading folder slideshows if camera information is included with the file. Slides can be changed automatically if desired; this is the default and is required if previews are not used.

Folder and PDF slideshows can be added directly to the Playlist by dragging the folder or PDF file into it. In this case the background colour defaults to black.

Check stretch to fit to force the slides to fill the screen; otherwise the slides are sized maintaining the aspect ratio and the blank space filled with the chosen background colour. Click 'OK' to generate the slideshow.

Selecting the slideshow in the Quick Slideshows list and then the Edit Slideshow button allows the settings to be changed.

Editable Slideshows

Fill out the show title field. Use the right click context menu for quick options or the buttons on the right to add elements to the presentation. Use the New Slide button to add slides; a maximum of 50 per show is allowed.

Once the editor has been closed, the position of the slides within the slideshow can be changed by dragging the slide to the required new position. A right click menu on each slide allows for rotation, deletion, clearing and editing.

The slideshow title can be changed from the right click menu in the slideshow title list.

The order of the slideshows in the list can be changed by dragging the list entry. This will invalidate any slideshow entries in the Playlist and require the slideshows to be saved on exit in order to preserve the new order.

Slide Composition

Quick context menu

Add Text FrameAdds a moveable/resizeable text frame to the slide
Add Framed ImageAdds a moveable/resizeable picture to the slide; select the image required from file. See the framed image section
Background ImageAdds a background image to the slide; select the image required from file.
Stretch to fitBackground picture is stretched to fit slide
Delete BackgroundDeletes the background picture
Background Colour...Choose the background colour when no picture is used.
Clear SlideClears the slide
Insert LineDraw a line on the slide
Add CircleDraw a circle on the slide

Text dialog

Adds a moveable/resizeable text frame to the slide. See the Text Edit section for more information.
Sets the fontface
Sets the font size and colour
Applies bold, italic and underline styles to the text
Sets the text alignment
Inserts a bulleted or numbered list
Increase and decrease the font size
Cut, copy and paste
Undo and redo
Opens the text effects dialog

Insert dialog

Adds a moveable/resizeable picture to the slide.
Adds a background image to the slide
Click the line style required and draw the line on the slide with the mouse. Click to start, move to size, button up to finish. See the lines section for more information.
Click the shape required and draw it on the slide with the mouse. Click to start, move to size, button up to finish. See the shapes section for more information
Sets the background colour. For the slide, select an empty space first or for a shape select the shape first.
Provides more background colours.

Transitions dialog

Select the required transition type
Select the transition
Select the speed
Transition applies only on moving from the current slide.
Transition applies to all slides in the presentation
Automatically changes slides after the preset time
Changes slide after the countdown counter completes.

Templates dialog

Select background templates
Select layout templates
Manage templates
Save the current side as a layout template. Enter the description first.
Layout description - will show when mouse is hovered over the thumbnail.
Saves current background as a background template.
Selector for background and layout templates
Deletes selected templates - note system layout templates cannot be deleted.
Opens the layouts folder.
Applies template to the current slide.
Applies template to all slides in the presentation

Countdown dialog

Shows counter centred on screen with no other objects.
Draw a rectangular counter at the required position with the mouse
Draw a rectangular counter with rounded corners at the required position with the mouse
Set the countdown time.
Shows min and sec labels next to timer
Shows count time within progress circles; click the colour patch to set the colour.
Adds text next to the counter.
Set the position of the added text.
Text to accompany counter.

A right click will show a context menu allowing deletion or formatting of the countdown and in the case of a round rectangle, changing the radius of the corners.

A double click shows a formatting dialog allowing changes to shape fill and outline thickness, style and colour and countdown text options

The dropdown on the Fill colour button gives the options for setting a fill picture.

The format shape dialog for a full screen countdown is accessed in the same way and includes the option of setting a video background, again from the fill colour drop down button.

Lines and Arrows

Straight line thickness 1px
Arrow thickness 1px head at end of line
Double arrow thickness 1px
Straight line thickness 4px
Arrow thickness 4px head at end of line
Double arrow thickness 4px
Cranked double arrow thickness 1px
Curve thickness 1px
Cranked double arrow thickness 3px
Curve thickness 1px

All lines and arrows are drawn with the mouse, the first click sets the starting point, then drag the line to the desired end point and release the mouse.

Selecting the line will reveal nodes that can be dragged to change the size and position of the line.

Lines and arrows can be dragged to a new position with the mouse, moved with the arrow keys and deleted with the delete key.

Straight lines, arrows and curves can be rotated using Crtl+ arrow keys.

A right click will show a context menu allowing deletion or formatting of the line and removing the rotation where relevant.

A double click shows a formatting dialog allowing changes to line thickness, style and colour as well as arrow end style and size.


Circle or ellipse. Hold shift for circle, Crtl to keep starting position as the centre point.
Triangle. Initially draws an equilateral triangle
Rectangle or Square. Initially draws a square.
Rounded rectangle or square. Initially draws a square.
Right arrow
Left arrow
Up arrow
Down arrow
Double arrow
Rectangular callout text
Rounded rectangular callout text
Oval callout text

All shapes are drawn with the mouse, the first click sets the starting point, then drag the shape outline as required and release the mouse.

Selecting the shape will reveal nodes that can be dragged to change the size and position of the shape.

Shapes can be dragged to a new position with the mouse, moved with the arrow keys and deleted with the delete key.

Triangles, rhombuses, arrows and stars can be rotated using Crtl+ arrow keys.

A right click will show a context menu allowing deletion or formatting of the shape, removing the rotation where relevant and changing the radius of a round rectangle's corners.

A double click shows a formatting dialog allowing changes to shape fill and outline thickness, style and colour and callout text where relevant.

The dropdown on the Fill colour button for shapes other than callouts gives options for setting fill effects.

Framed images

  • Drag image to move it on the slide
  • Drag the corners to change the size whilst preserving the aspect ratio
  • Drag the sides to change the size without preserving the aspect ratio
  • Holding the Ctrl down whilst dragging crops the image

    Right click menu to
    Refresh ImageRefreshes image from file if file exists on the machine. Use to refresh the image after size change after reopening a saved slide
    Remove CroppingRestores the image to its full size and position before cropping
    Delete ImageDeletes the image

    Text edit window

  • Drag frame to move it on the slide
  • Drag the corners or mid-size hotspots to change the size
  • Allows entry and editing of framed text.
  • Most normal editing functions apply including drag/drop
  • Home and End move cursor to beginning and end of line
  • Crtl+Home or End moves cursor to beginning and end of slide.
  • Arrow keys move cursor.
  • Use mouse for text selection.
  • Copy and Paste supported using Crtl+c and Crtl+v or toolbar.
  • To delete text use backspace or delete key for single characters, highlight text and use delete key for multiple characters.
  • Font effects can be applied by highlighting text and selecting bold, italic or underline from menu or toolbar.
  • Outline and shadow fonts can be applied to whole frame using the text effects dialog.
  • Slide font, text and background colour can be changed from menus and tools.
  • Right click menu functions:
    Background Colour...Choose text frame background colour
    TransparentMake frame transparent
    Text Colour...Choose text colour
    Font...Choose text font
    Centre textCentre text horizontally within textbox
    Centre text verticallyCentre text vertically within textbox
    Select AllSelect all text in frame
    BoldToggle bold state of selected text or word at cursor position
    ItalicToggle italic state of selected text or word at cursor position
    UnderlineToggle underline state of selected text or word at cursor position
    Clear StylesRemoves all bold, italic and underline effects from text in frame
    Clear TextClears all text in frame
    Delete Text FrameRemoves text frame from slide