
The Toolbar contains the following buttons

Blanks projected display
Applies Bold style to highlighted text
Copies highlighted text to clipboard
Opens credits dialog for adding copyright information
Switches from Edit mode to Display mode
Switches from Display mode to Edit mode
Context sensitive help
Applies Italic style to highlighted text
Opens Songview library
Pastes text from clipboard
Saves Songview library
Starts song display on projector
Stops song display on projector
Opens title dialog allowing input of song title
Restores projected display after blanking or setting to background
Applies Underline style to highlighted text
Opens/ Closes Search and Replace dialog
Opens dialog to display alerts on projector screen
Toggles projected display to background
Increases font size
Decreases text size
Displays preferences dialog
Adds sizing and positioning marquees to preview windows
Adds new slide break at cursor position
Adds new song after current song
Undo last edit
Redo last undone edit
Show/hide chord addition dialog or Chord Transposition buttons when in Setup mode
Transpose Chords Up
Transpose Chords Down
Cut highlighted text to clipboard
Show Touch Interface
Open Song Select
Close Song Select
Import from Song Select
Show /Hide Song Select
Start audio background
Stop audio background
Pause audio background
Show audio EQ dialog
Show labels dialog
Reset song to editor defaults
Start new song library using saved template
Show slide layout dialog

It also contains a Search facility

A search facility is available if the song number is not known. Type in a word or phrase from the song, song title or credits into the search box. After 4 characters have been entered the list box opens with all the songs containing that word or phrase. The more letters/ words that are added the narrower the search. Clicking the song title in the list box will display the song in the preview window. Right clicking the title will add the song to the playlist. Hovering over the list items displays the song words. Unless punctuation is included in the search text it is ignored during the search. Typing a * followed by up to ten words will find all the songs containing those words in the verses regardless of order.