IT Solutions for Churches Song Display |
Displaying Songs
Open a Songview file, a status bar at the bottom of the window gives details of the song and slide selected.
Clicking the Show button will start the presentation using the slide selected. The presentation will be displayed automatically on a secondary display (usually a projector) if one exists, otherwise it is displayed on the primary monitor.
There are two ways of selecting songs for display and changing slides; using the mouse or by using the keyboard. Both are available in dual monitor mode; the keyboard must be used where the computer monitor and projector display the same window.
Using the mouse
In dual monitor mode the song can be selected from the songlist. It is displayed in the preview window without changing the displayed song. The desired slide can then be shown by selecting it with the mouse.Selecting the Stop button ends the display; the Blank button blanks and un-blanks the projector screen and the Backg button toggles the display to the background colour or picture.
Button Controls
The following buttons are used to control the display

These buttons are used with audio backgrounds for songs.

Using the Touch Interface
The Touch Interface adds a movable floating toolbar containing the playlist and commonly used button controls. The controls are larger than the standard ones simplifying touch control. The controls are enabled from the Preferences Advanced dialog and only show during display mode. They are located initially over the tabbed windows for song selection etc but can be moved as desired. The controls supplement the standard controls and can be used inter-changeably; slides can be changed in the normal way by clicking on or touching one of the preview panes.

Touch Button Controls
The touch interface uses these buttons to control the display depending on the material being shown

Using the keyboard
In keyboard mode the following functions are available:Number e.g. 12 + Enter key displays first slide of that song (the numbering is as per the Numbers Tab). In dual monitor mode it also displays the song slides in the preview window.
Arrow keys move between slides in song
Home goes to first slide
End goes to last slide
B blanks and un-blanks displayed slide
P toggles display to background
A Displays the Alert dialog
F5 starts the display
Esc stops the display
Finding a song
The search facility is available if the song number is not known. Type in a word or phrase from the song, song title or credits into the search box. After 4 characters have been entered the list box opens with all the songs containing that word or phrase. The more letters/ words that are added the narrower the search. Clicking the song title in the list box will display the song in the preview window. Right clicking the title will add the song to the playlist. Hovering over the list items displays the song words. Unless punctuation is included in the search text it is ignored during the search. Typing a * followed by up to ten words will find all the songs containing those words in the verses regardless of order.Hovering over a song title with the mouse will show the full text of the song.
Maintaining song usage for CCLI reports
The number of times songs have been displayed is maintained by the software and can be displayed from the Tools Menu.
The Export button saves the list as a text file; the Clear button clears the list and resets the start date; the Close button closes the dialog.
Editing songs during display
Slides can be edited during display using the slide popup editor. This is accessed using the right hand click menu on the preview window. For song files added via the Items menu the current tab must be set to the song tree for the additional file.Close the window to finish editing - if the slide is being displayed it will update automatically.