IT Solutions for Churches    Song tags

Song Tags

The songs displayed in the Songlist window can be filtered using song tags. If more than one song file is in use the titles displayed are only from the file containg the song tag.

Adding Song Tags

Song tags are added from the edit window. They can be selected for each song using the Tag list; up to 24 tags can be set up in the Preferences and used for each song in the library.

The default settings for the library can be changed from the Preferences/ Song dialog

Add Tags
Type the new tag name in the New Tag field, the maximum number of characters is 15 and Click Add.
The maximum number of tags allowed is 24.

Edit Tags
Select tag in list and click Edit to edit it, song associations are maintained.
Click Delete to delete selected tag.
Clear All delete all tags.

Deleting a tag will remove all references to it in the song file.