IT Solutions for Churches    Theme manager

Theme manager

The theme manager can be accessed form the Preferences dialog Song or Scripture panes or from the Tools menu.

The theme manager allows you to edit the default song and bible themes and to create customised themes for both songs and bible verses. It combines font face, size, positioning and centring in one location together with background selection.
The themes once applied affect all the songs in a library or bible verses displayed. Individual songs can be customised separately using the right click menu on a slide preview window and choosing a new theme for the song.
Separate themes are used for songs and bibles verses.

The theme manager has four screens

Screen 1

New theme from scratch

Click New and then Next to begin defining your new theme.

New theme derived from an existing theme

Select the theme you wish to use as a basis for your new theme. Click Copy and then Next to start your theme.

To edit an existing theme

Select the theme from the list and click Next.

To rename a theme

Select the theme to be renamed and click Rename.

To delete a theme

Select the theme to be deleted and click Delete; you will asked to confirm the deletion.

Screen 2

This screen is for slide background and text layout.


Choose the background type from the drop down

Use song library settingsDo not select a background and use the backgrounds already set in the song library
Solid colourUse a single solid colour for the background; click on the colour patch to change the colour.
Gradient colourUse two colours with a gradient for the background
ColoursClick on the colour patches to set the required colours
Gradient styleSelect the style from the drop down: horizontal, vertical or forward or backward diagonal
Background pictureUse a background picture, select the picture from the shuttle
Video loop backgroundSelect the video loop from the shuttle
Loop playback rateSelect the rate from the dropdown

Text layout

Song MarginsEnter value in pixels in left, right and top fields; 10 to 50 pixels is usually satisfactory. Alternatively use the default settings
Centre text horizontalCentres text horizontally on slide
Centre text verticalCentres text vertically on slide
Fit words to slidesAdjusts text size so that words do not overflow slide

Screen 3

ColourChoose main text colour
Text colour gradientUse a colour gradient for the font - top to bottom
Colour 2Second colour used for the bottom of the font
FontSelect font type, size and style
Use capitalsCheck to use capitals
Text outlineUse a text outline border
ColourOutline colour
SizeOutline thickness
Outline glow effectApplies a translucent glow effect to the outline
Text shadowApplies a shadow to the font
ColourShadow colour
SizeShadow size
Shadow styleChoose shadow style: Normal, diffuse, dropped or extruded.
Transparent shadowMakes the shadow translucent

Screen 4

Theme nameChoose a name for your theme
Use as bible themeCheck if the theme is to be used for bible verses. (Duplicate the theme is you wish to use it for both songs and bible verses.)
Line spacingSet the line spacing - 85 to 200% of normal
Word spacingSet the word spacing - 85 to 200% of normal
PreviewSlide preview
Words positionSe the words position from either the checkboxes or by dragging and re-sizing the marquee on the preview window.

Click Finish to save your theme