IT Solutions for Churches    Edit Songs

Edit Mode

Edit mode allows the compilation of new song libraries or the modification of existing ones. Selecting Edit Mode opens the current library for editing or starts a new one if no library has been opened. (Note: Libraries viewed using the 'Add Song File' option cannot be edited.) A new library can be created from the File Menu

Song Editing

A song tree is displayed with the songs in the file or for a new file one song containing one slide.

Two editing modes are available - whole song and single slide. Whole song editing is the default and is done using the right hand window. Opening the song tree in the left window and clicking on a slide switches to the single slide edit window. Setting of titles and credits is done using the toolbar and dialogs.

In whole song mode the words are entered directly on the editing page. New movable slide breaks can be inserted at the cursor using the Slide button (or Ctrl+Enter) and songs added with the Song button. The slide order can be changed by dragging and dropping the preview panes.

The editor supports standard editing features including drag/drop, undo/redo, search and replace and spell checking; right click on mis-spelt words for spelling suggestions or to add the word to the user dictionary. Editing results are shown live in the preview windows.

Editor colours and spelling options can be customised from the Preferences/ Song dialog.

Highlighting the text and using Bold/Italic/Underline will apply these styles to the base font. Use Clear Styles on the Edit Menu or right click context menu to remove styles on a song or slide; use Clear All Styles on the Edit menu to clear all the styles in the song file returning the font style to the default. Note if an individual slide has been allocated a font this will be unaffected.

Edit tools and menus

The following toolbar controls are available

Opens the Search/ Replace dialog; it works with the song being edited or the whole library.
Clipboard operations
Undo/Redo - cleared when the song being edited is changed
Insert slide break at the current cursor position
Add new song to the library
Opens the Layout dialog to use predefined slide layouts
Use a custom theme for the song library
Select font for the song
Allows sizing of text frame for slide
Word text styles
Quick font sizing tool
Quick font sizing tool
Resets the song to default styling
Opens the Slide Labels dialog for the addition of slide labels; requires labels to be enabled on the Preference/ Chords and Labels tab
Opens the Chords addition dialog; requires chords to be enabled on the Preference/ Chords and Labels tab
The edit drop down and context menus duplicate many of the commands and also have additional functions:
  • Line spacing - sets line spacing for song
  • Word spacing - sets word spacing for song
  • Clear Styles - removes bold,italic and underline font styling on current song
  • Clear All Styles - removes bold,italic and underline font styling on all songs in library
  • Hide CCL Number - hides the CCLI number for the current song
  • Slide submenu - allows setting of font and text colour for individual slides

Song Tags

Song tags can be selected for each song using the Tag list; up to 24 tags can be set up in the Preferences and used for each song in the library.

The default settings for the library can be changed from the Preferences/ Song dialog


Use 'Use Theme' to apply a previously created theme to the song library. The theme will be automatically applied to all the slides and songs in the library.

Themes are created and edited using the Theme Edit button on the Song or Scripture tabs on the Preferences dialog

Setting default appearance for the song file

This is set from the Preferences/ Song dialog

The dialog is used for setting the song theme and use of song titles.

Use the Song theme drop-down to select a predefined theme for the whole song library
Use the Edit button to create a new theme or to modify an existing one

Closing the dialog will apply the settings to all slides in the library.

Checking the Clear Background Pictures box on the Preferences/ Advanced tab will clear all associated background pictures and set all slides to the default.

CCL Licence

The Preferences/ Song dialog allows entry of the CCL licence number and selection of the font used to display both the licence number and song credits at the position chosen on the slides. The CCL licence number field can be hidden for individual songs using the song edit menus.

Adding and deleting songs

There are several options for adding and deleting songs from the library

From the Song Editor

Single songs can be added after the current song with the Song button.
Clear Song on the editor context menu deletes all information in the song leaving a single blank slide.

To add slides to the song at the current cursor position in the song edit window, use the Slide button on the Toolbar or the context menu in the song edit window.
The Clear Slide selection on this menu deletes all information leaving a blank slide.
The Delete Slide item deletes the slide; if it is the only slide in the song it is cleared rather than deleted.

From the Song Tree Context Menu

To add songs to the library, right click the song folder in the tree window. The displayed menu allows for the addition, deletion and clearing of songs.

The Insert song and Append song selections insert a song before and after the current song; each new song contains one blank default slide. The Append Songs... selection displays a dialog allowing the addition of the required number of songs after the current song. There is no limit (other than memory) to the number of songs that can be added to the library.

Import from Song Select

The simplest way of adding new songs to the library is to use Song Select; a licence and subscription is needed for this.

Single slide edit mode

The Edit selection on the context menu on a slide icon in the tree opens the slide for editing in the slide edit window. Slide editing can also the started by clicking the desired slide on the song tree with the left mouse button.

Selecting another slide closes the window, saving the slide information (in memory) and opening the new slide. Left clicking the song folder in the tree window closes the edit window and returns to the preview display.

Enter desired text using the normal keys; the backslash key (\) is not supported.
Home and End move cursor to beginning and end of line
Crtl+Home or End moves cursor to beginning and end of slide.
Arrow keys move cursor.

Use mouse for text selection.
To delete text use the backspace or delete key for single characters, highlight text and use the delete key for multiple characters.
Copy and Paste are supported using the Edit menu accessed from the Menu bar or with the context menu in the edit window or from the toolbar.

Font styles can be applied by highlighting the text and selecting Bold, Italic or Underline from menus or toolbar. Use the Clear Styles menu item to remove these effects.

Slide font, text and background colour can be changed from menus.
The main edit menu allows alteration of font and text colours for individual slides or the whole song. The context menu on the editing window affects that slide only. Only the altered slides and/or song are affected; the song default is used elsewhere unless changed.

Use the Edit/ Song Title... menu or the Title button to specify the title which is displayed at the top of slide one in the song. A dialog box is opened allowing the title to be entered.

Use the Edit/ Credits... menu or the Cred button to specify the credits that are displayed at the top of each slide in the song. A dialog box is opened allowing the text to be entered.

The © button adds the © copyright symbol at the end of the text
OK adds the credits to every slide in the song.

Saving and backup

The Save button saves the file and creates a backup of the original file. Up to 10 backups of each file are stored. The filename format consists of the original filename plus the date is was backed up in d-m-y format with an .ohp~ extension. Only one backup is generated per day and is updated if further files are saved on that day.

The Disp button returns to the slide preview mode.