IT Solutions for Churches    Internet


What do you want to do?

Show a webpage
Show a YouTube video
Troubleshoot YouTube display
Troubleshoot internet display
Read more about using Internet

Show a webpage

  1. Go to the Internet tab tab. Search for the page you need or if you know the url put it into the Go To box on the Internet Preview section and press Enter on the keyboard.
  2. Use the URL to Playlist button to add the page to the Playlist

Show a YouTube video

  1. Go to the Internet tab and click the Youtube button (green outline).
  2. Find the video you require and select it. You can stop it playing and ignore any adverts, they will not show when you display the clip.
  3. To show the clip starting at the beginning

    1. Click the URL to Playlist button (green outline) in the Youtube Player section

    To set the start position for the clip

    1. Click the Preview button in the Youtube Player section
    2. Find the required starting position and stop the video
    3. Click the Set Start button
    4. Click the URL to Playlist button (green outline) in the Youtube Player section to add the video and settings to the Playlist

  4. When displaying clips ensure that the clip is not playing in the preview window
  5. You can use the Projected Youtube Player controls on the Internet tab to control the video clip

Troubleshoot YouTube display

Songview uses an internal webserver and client to display YouTube videos. You must allow Songview internet access for this to work. Windows will ask you to enable this when Songview is first started; once enabled you should not see the message again.

YouTube does not allow some videos (e.g. Vevo) to be played this way and must be shown using the YouTube website. You will get an error message if this is the case.
Use Download Youtube button at the bottom of the Internet Preview section. The clip will be downloaded and added to the Playlist as a video; the file is stored in your Video folder.

Songview uses javascript for the Projected Youtube Player controls on the Internet tab. If you are having trouble with these use the Download button to add the clip as a video file.

Troubleshoot internet display

Songview checks for an internet connection on start up and will disable internet use if the check fails.

To enable it go to the Preferences / Advanced tab and uncheck 'Disable Internet Access'.