Don | Multimedia |
I am amazed how little (= zero) information is available on using Songview simultaneously, in sync, with the music of songs/hymns. Is no-one able to comment on this? I hardly think that Songview can claim to handle \"multimedia\" without audio. The software would be really useful if it had integrated audio. Without that it is, in my opinion, not much more than a curiosity. |
Postsed on 2 December 2011 9:50 | Reply Quote  |
Roger | Re: Multimedia |
Songview is not intended to be used as an automatically synchronised accompaniment to pre-recorded music. It is designed to provide words for congregational singing to live music. Slide and song changes are done manually.
The multimedia facility refers to the ability to play and display integrated audio and video (or use video backgrounds to song words) within the church service presentation without having to change applications.
Postsed on 2 December 2011 10:9 | Reply Quote  |
Don | Re: Multimedia |
Thanks for quick reply. Things are pretty much as I had managed to fathom. I would appreciate some clarification, however, on what you have in mind when you refer to the ability to play and display integrated audio and video. Does that mean that if you have an existing Powerpoint which, by itself, will play its embedded audio and video then Songview will also? |
Postsed on 2 December 2011 14:54 | Reply Quote  |
Roger | Re: Multimedia |
The Powerpoint facility uses the standard Microsoft Powerpoint viewers. You have the choice of using the 97 viewer or 2002 or a later viewer that has been installed on your PC. Therefore the Powerpoint display should include all the multimedia content included in the Powerpoint file.
By 'integrated audio and video' I mean that video, DVD and audio clips can be setup and added to the playlist so that they can be used seamlessly from the Songview application without having to use separate software. The video including a captured stream can also be used as a background to the song words. These facilities are only available on the pre-release version (4.45), intended for release early next year. |
Postsed on 2 December 2011 15:36 | Reply Quote  |