Tony Brown | Import Songs |
Just trying out the programme, 2 issues. We are a UK Methodist Church almost 90%+ of Methodist Churches use the new hymn book brought out about 2 years ago called 'Singing the Faith' we have all the hymns/songs in .txt files they can also be exported as .doc, pdf, and rtf formats there does not seem to be any option available for these formats? Secondly when I download a fairly large PowerPoint files a message states that the software cannot preview the file as it is too large, this would be very disconcerting not being able to see the slides before going live. |
Postsed on 10 January 2014 17:34 | Reply Quote  |
Roger | Re: Import Songs |
Songview has import options for Text files, powerpoint files and MS Word doc files. These are all available from the Import dialogue box.
The number of preview slides is currently limited to 50 per Powerpoint presentation. |
Postsed on 10 January 2014 20:21 | Reply Quote  |
Tim Ross | Re: Import Songs |
Hi Tony,
Did you say you have all of Singing the Faith as RTF and/or TXT files.
I've be grateful if you could contact about this. We're using EasyWorship which can import those (using EZConvert tool). We have a licence for the electronic edition of STF, but are having a hard time using it, primarily because it's not installed on the laptop we use for projection, but on another PC (Hymnview won't allow multiple PCs.)Being able to use an RTF files would be a huge help.
Postsed on 28 October 2014 16:3 | Reply Quote  |
Lawrie Holtby | Re: Import Songs |
Hi, can anyone help me, I've got hymns and psalms in rtf but the file is set out as a book and song view doesn't like it, any suggestions appreciated. |
Postsed on 5 June 2015 12:27 | Reply Quote  |