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Topic: Chromium browser bug

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 AnonymousChromium browser bug
There is a bug with the Chromium browser used in the current version of Songview. It does not affect the browser operation but creates a temporary folder that is not deleted after use. This only occurs if the Internet functions are enabled and the Chromium browser is selected. The folders have the name scoped_dir with some random numbers added and use 10MB of space each; this may eventually fill the disc drive and affect the system operation. They can be found and safely delected from your user temporary directory. This bug will be fixed in the next release of Songview which will also delete any accumulated folders you may have.
Postsed on 8 December 2014 10:1
 AnonymousRe: Chromium browser bug
This bug has now been fixed with version 4.473 and upwards
Postsed on 26 December 2014 16:27
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"There is a bug with the Chromium browser used in the current version of Songview. It does not affect the browser operation but creates a temporary folder that is not deleted after use. This only occurs if the Internet functions are enabled and the Chromium browser is selected. The folders have the name scoped_dir with some random numbers added and use 10MB of space each; this may eventually fill the disc drive and affect the system operation. They can be found and safely delected from your user temporary directory. This bug will be fixed in the next release of Songview which will also delete any accumulated folders you may have. "