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Topic: Transitions

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First, thank you for the video feed add. Is there a way to apply transition effects when switching to & from the video feed? I would ideally like to go from backgrounds, to video feed, to scriptures, and continuously mix these options. Currently, whenever I go to or from the video, the screen goes black for a second and then switches to the video. There is no blend-like transition. Is there something I am missing?
Postsed on 7 August 2012 14:49
 RogerRe: Transitions
No you are not missing anything. There are fade transitions between songs and slides if required but not between video and backgrounds etc. The black screen is just for blanking while the output window switches to and from video mode. Adding transitions is a possibility but is not on the current to do list.
Postsed on 7 August 2012 18:23
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" First, thank you for the video feed add. Is there a way to apply transition effects when switching to & from the video feed? I would ideally like to go from backgrounds, to video feed, to scriptures, and continuously mix these options. Currently, whenever I go to or from the video, the screen goes black for a second and then switches to the video. There is no blend-like transition. Is there something I am missing?"