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Topic: Song Number

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 Mark RuggerioSong Number
Just wondering is there a way to change the song #'s. It would be easier for the person running the projection if the song numbers matched our Hymnal. Thanks
Postsed on 9 December 2012 1:31
 AnonymousRe: Song Number
Hi Mark Yes there is! On the file menu choose 'Song Manager' and a dialog will open. Any song file already loaded will appear in the first pane. Alternatively open the file you want to reorder in the first pane. The simplest process is to build a new file in the correct order. You cannot have numbers with no songs so if you don't have songs for all the numbers you will need a 'blank' or dummy song as a placeholder. Click the by number button on the second window (should be blank at this stage) find the song you want as number 1 in your book and drag the title from the left pane to the destination file. Keep doing that till you have completed your new file. If you drag with the right mouse button it moves the song rather than copies it which will make life a bit easier. You will need to put a blank (or place holder song) if you have gaps (you will need to copy rather than move this). When you are done just save the new file with a new name. Check the help item on this for more info.
Postsed on 9 December 2012 9:36
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