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Topic: Change defaults

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 TeronChange defaults
Is it possible to make the default program settings to the following: - Fades between all slides & songs (Slow or medium speed) - All texts centered both horizontally & vertically - Font of all content (songs & scriptures) to be Times New Roman? Is there a way to set this and have it defaulted when the application is opened?
Postsed on 7 August 2012 14:52
 RogerRe: Change defaults
Some settings are saved in the registry (or as a file with a USB installation). These are: Alert preferences Background files path Default bible version Bible words font CCL licence number Editor preferences Language Last file loaded Size and position of Songview window Dialog box font Bible text margins Playlist font size Songselect parameters Internet browser parameters. Use of titles, backgrounds, complex fonts, open last file, 3 screens and key redirection. The remaining settings including the ones you are inquiring about are saved with the song file in use. So just set up the songs as you want them and save the file; the settings will be maintained on reopening it. If you start a new file it will return to the application defaults.
Postsed on 7 August 2012 18:56
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